Wednesday, April 15, 2015

5 Things About the Mormon (LDS)

But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. - Gal 1:11,12

 Understand what a true Creator Based Worshiper is Understand what we mean by works based religion Why multiple religious authorities are dangerous.

See some of the more noticeable traits in this group. See Section II.

The Mormons, known officially as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints represent the largest affiliated grouping of any religion which, while claiming to be Christian, is clearly outside of the mainstream of Christianity. It has officially declared all other Christian expressions to be apostate, and holds firmly to its claim to be the restored Church of Jesus Christ.  LDS (Latter Day Saints) sects, commonly called fundamentalists, exist in a variety of expressions and are known for embracing polygamy, an essential element of early Mormon doctrine1.  

1.) Understand Basic LDS History

Mormonism originated with Joseph Smith during the Second Great Awakening (1790-1840), a period during which America and Britain were particularly fascinated with millennial speculation2.  Joseph Smith’s testified visit of the angel Moroni (in 1820) and the discovery of the golden plates (the Book of Mormon) on the hill Cumorah in New York, set in motion the events which ultimately led the Mormons to the valley of the Great Salt Lake in 1847 under the leadership of Brigham Young3.

2.) Understand the First Principles of Mormons

Mormonism is a hybridization of pagan and Christian thought in a palpable mix.

A. Pagan thought. From the pagan, or creation based perspective, the core of LDS teaching fits the essential pattern of neo gnosticism4, though Joseph’s Smith’s teachings were not strongly associated with gnosticism until recent years5.

In this respect, Mormons are driven by the twin gnostic dynamics of enlightenment and progression. Therefore, to understand our LDS friends, it helps to have a good grip on Satan’s ultimate theology, or creation based worship. (See our article on that subject.)

1. Enlightenment. For a Mormon, enlightenment is a progressive experience which comes not only through cognitive processes, but through his mystical connection with the universe. Unlike Creator based worshipers, Mormons see matter as being eternal (albeit their view is that matter arose ex nihilo. Smith claimed that the Hebrew “barah” meant only that Elohim organized existing matter.) This is a hotly defended first principle of Mormonism. While the Mormon god, called Elohim (an elevated man), is neither omniscient nor omnipresent, he is able to communicate with men mystically. Nowhere is this more evident in LDS thought than in their reliance on the Doctrine and Covenants’ promise of an affirmative “burning in the bosom for truth seekers.”6

Remember, this notion of a universal mystical connection is at the basis of virtually all false thought and can be traced to early Babylonian, Egyptian, and Gnostic claims.

2.  Progression. No one has refined the notion of progression more dynamically than the Mormon and nothing is more important to him. Again, we have already indicated that a first principle of Satanic theology as expressed in all creation based worship is, “I will be like the most high...” Isaiah 14:14. Satan embraces progression. While Mormons use the term salvation, it connotes exaltation through progression in Mormon thought and has little or nothing to do with the biblical concept of being delivered from the penalty and power of sin in order to be glorified. Glorification, something God does for us once and for all as the end result of our election, can be seen in terms of our past, present and ultimate glorification (Romans 8:29-31). It represents our ultimate freedom from sin. Glorification for the non Mormon is in no way akin to LDS exaltation, which is a reference to the Mormon’s state in the next world.

B. Christian Hybridization. Essential to understanding Mormonism is knowing that the Book of Mormon’s cover declares it is “Another Testament of Jesus Christ.” We are told that just as the New Testament replaces the dynamics of the Old Testament, so the Book of Mormon is the fruition of New Testament teachings and effectively supersedes it. Non Mormon Bible believers would quickly point out that the New Testament fulfills and completes the Old Testament and in no way contradicts it, whereas the Book of Mormon clearly contradicts both Old and New Testaments. Non Mormons would also point out that this same book claims to have been written hundreds of years before the King James Version of the Bible but quotes its dialect perfectly.  Equally as significant, the other “authorized” scriptures of Mormonism extend the errors of that book exponentially. The only response provided by Mormons is that modern versions of the Bible were clearly corrupted or “incorrectly translated”, though no evidence has ever been presented to establish the accuracy of these claims. Anyone who has ever had an in depth biblical discussion with a Mormon has heard the words “that must not have been translated correctly.”

The issue of hybridization deepens. Because Mormon teaching begins with gnostic first principles, it must redefine virtually every Christian term in order to accommodate the gnostic first principle of progression. Its god must be progressive, its revelations must be progressive, and its view of salvation or exaltation must be seen as a consummate result of progression toward perfection. The salvation which Christ provided is thus reduced little more than making provision for men to return to the path of upward progression (though Christ serves other LDS purposes).  According to Brigham Young, had Adam not exercised his “free will” and sinned, we never would have been able to progress. The Bible, on the other hand, teaches no such thing.

3.) Understand the Millennial Aspect of Mormonism

Like Roman Catholicism and other sects, Mormonism openly declares that it is Israel and it is the absolute inheritor of her promises.  The future Millennium she prophesies relates to her and not to ethnic Israel (now represented by the Navajo, an assumption now refuted by DNA analysis).  A literal interpreter of the Bible is quick to understand that God has not replaced Israel and His Son will one day rule the world from ethnic Israel’s throne. In the interim, Christ is working through His spiritual body and temple, the church, as He continues as a light to the gentiles.
As with Catholicism, this claim to be Israel includes the right to be called Christ’s church on earth. The moment any group makes this claim to temporal authority it also insists that salvation (however defined) can only be secured through Christ’s church, i.e. their church. This, in turn, requires a priesthood.

Again, like the Roman Catholic Church, Mormon replacement theology has led to the establishment of its own priesthoods, the Aaronic (ages 12-18) and the Melchizedekan priesthoods. The latter imbues its qualified men with all the apostolic gifts and privileges and is the basis for ordering all LDS ministry at every level.

Unlike Catholicism where priests carry out their temple ministries within the confines of their church altars, Mormonism places its emphasis on earthly temples where temple work is initiated and performed exclusively. There can be no Mormonism without temples, no temples without a priesthood, and no priesthood without replacement theology.

4.) Understand the LDS Beliefs which Result from these First Principles

The disparate views between Mormonism and biblical Christianity are stunning and cover virtually every area of Bible doctrine. This will be expanded in our second article 5 Tools for Conversing with Mormons. For the sake of brevity, we confine our discussion to three critical areas.

A. The LDS view of God.  The Mormon Elohim was once a man as we are, and has a material body of flesh and bones. He resides along with his many wives near the planet (or star) Kolob. From there spirit babies are produced in order to populate the planets. The scriptures are clear that there is one God, that He is a Spirit and that He is the creator of mankind. (Is. 43:10-11; 44:6, 8; 45:5, 21-22, John 4:24, Genesis 2 and 3.) For more information, see the article 5 Things About the Trinity.

B. The LDS view of Jesus Christ. Though LDS views vary, essential Mormonism sees Jesus as the result of the physical union of Elohim and Mary. He was not virgin born and attained godhood like any other man. Prior to coming to earth, He was the elder brother of Lucifer or Satan.  The Bible asserts that Christ was in the beginning with God and was God, and that He was born of a virgin. (John 1:1-3, Matthew 1:18-21). As an aside, The LDS Journal of Discourses declares that Jesus was married to Mary and Martha because Mary called Him “lord” a word which Mormons declare can also mean husband.  The JOD also tells us that Jesus was the bridegroom at Cana and was  married there so that He would be able to “see his seed,” before He died7.

C. The LDS view of Salvation. As noted earlier, Mormons see salvation as the achievement of celestial exaltation through good works. While Mormons teach that salvation is a gift, they redefine the word gift to mean something we must earn through strict obedience to the law. The Bible offers salvation as a free gift for anyone who will place his trust in Christ. (Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 4:4-5). See our paper entitled 5 Things our Works Oriented Friends Need to Understand.
Equally important, Mormons deny the substitutionary work of Christ.  His role as Saviour merely provided us with a means to achieve our exaltation.  For a fuller understanding of the doctrine of substitution, see our paper 5 Things About the Substitutionary Work of Christ.

5.) Understand what the LDS Needs to Hear

1. He must not take the witness of men over God’s witness. Our own religious feelings must be second place to what the Bible teaches (2 Peter 1:18-20).  If the LDS scriptures were true revelations from God they would agree with the Bible. The scriptures cannot be broken.

2. He, (along with the whole human race) has enslaved himself to sin and cannot remedy this through works. (Romans 3:10, 23). Our sin separates us from God and no amount of good works can remedy this. Seeking to gain the merits of heaven through our good works only adds to our debt (Rom 4:4-9).

3. A Mormon can know he has eternal life by believing on the Son (John 3:16-18,35).  To have the Son is to have life. To deny this truth is to make God a liar (1 John 5:10-12).

4. A Mormon can become a new creation in Christ, with new life (2 Corinthians 5:17).


1.The Community of Christ, (formerly called The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), lays claim to the prophesied lineal succession of Joseph Smith, while the Salt Lake City LDS trace their history and doctrines through Brigham Young.  This brief study is devoted to the Salt Lake City Mormons only, and we will refer to them simply as LDS or Mormons.

2. Ironically, these millennial speculations were all varied expressions of replacement theology, handed down by the “church fathers.” See The History of Religion in America, by Hudson, a Scribner publication. Other American sects such as Christian Science, Seventh Day Adventism, and Watchtower, all emerged from this same era of millennial preoccupation.

3. See

4. See

5. See also, and for typical discussions on the subject.

6. See

7. For a full discussion of this see:

Additional Study Resources (Not carte blanc recommendations):
Martin, Walter. The Kingdom of the Cults. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany House Publishers, 1997.

The Dangers of the Cults (DVD) by David Reagan and Ron Carlson.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

5 Things About Multiple (False) Authorities

 ... And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?  ...And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:   Genesis 3:3,4

Regardless of their human origins, all non biblical religious systems come about as the result of mixing authorities.  Some deny the Bible totally while others prefer to mix the truths of God’s Word with the Bible.  All share the same root problem; they embrace multiple authorities. We have already provided a basic study on the Bible and its authority (See Sec II 1 Five Things About the Inspiration of the Bible). This study is devoted to understanding the devices of Satan which we encounter when casting down the imaginations of men (2 Corinthians 10:52 Corinthians 2:11).

1.) Understand the Satanic Origin of All False Authority.

We are in a battle for men’s souls against principalities, powers, and the doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1). God alone can open the eyes of men to the truth of His Word. Satan’s goal from the beginning (Genesis 3:1-13) has been to move us away from the first principles of the doctrine of Christ (Hebrews 6:1,2).  His methods have been to question and deny what God has said, to re-define what God has said, and to confuse what God has said by laying his own blend of lie and truth alongside God’s Word. It is important to hold men accountable to God’s authority. Most challenges can found in one of the three following categories.

2.) Understand Ancient, Ancestral, and Ethnic Challenges to God’s Authority .

Tradition, as an integral religious principle, can be found in different expressions at the base of Roman Catholic teaching, most first nations peoples, and other global groups. Of course, Roman Catholic traditions would vary from native Americans, for example, but they also have much in common.  Both traditions are rooted in ancient and pagan (creation based) worship practices. Both tout the values of ancient wisdom and blend it with their cultures. Both venerate the dead and both feel they can pray to the dead based upon the notion of mystical unity.

Speaking of veneration of the dead, Wikipedia notes:

The veneration of the dead, including one’s ancestors, is based on the beliefs that the dead have a continued existence, and may possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living. Some groups venerate their direct, familial ancestors; some faith communities, in particular the Catholic Church, venerate saints as intercessors with God1.

In addition, many non Catholic traditional religions are ethnically based and choose to unfairly stereotype biblical Christianity as being the “White Man’s” religion in spite of the fact that there are more non white believers in the world than white ones. God saves men from all ethnic backgrounds (John 1:12-13Acts 17:24-31).

The Bible warns and instructs us concerning these things:

  1. Oral and eyewitness tradition (even from an apostle) is inferior to the written scriptures which are our sure word of prophecy. See 2 Peter 1:15-21Mark 7:9,13Matthew 12:50,  Colossians 2:8.
  2. Although ethnic groups vary, the ancient wisdom they claim to embrace is all very similar.  The Bible speaks of the wisdom of this world and warns us that the wisdom of man is foolishness with God because the world cannot know God through wisdom. Learn to use 1 Corinthians 1:18-25.
  3. Although we are to love and respect our parents, (Matthew 15:4). The Lord Jesus clearly taught that we must not let our love for father and mother hinder us from obeying Christ (Matthew 10:37). The love of God in our hearts supersedes filial love (Matthew 12:50).
  4. When conversing with Catholics who claim belief in the Bible, the Bible verses noted above are good starting points for talking. When witnessing to traditional peoples in general, the New Tribes Mission should be one’s first “go to” resource. Given the circumstances, one may not have opportunity to fully engage their Chronological Approach to witnessing, but these teaching principles are excellent2.

In all cases, when witnessing to others caught up in traditional worship we may respect their sincerity and appeal to their openness, but never (for a minute) give credence to their spirituality. All the world is guilty before God and need the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:23-25).

3.) Understand Institutional and Charismatic Challenges to God’s Authority

a. Charismatic authority. Personality driven groups rise and fall faster than the sun. The tendency in men to follow leaders other than God is as old as Genesis. Most personality driven systems are led by leaders who convince their followers of their great biblical wisdom and that God has visited them in one way or another with a sacred charge or calling. These imposters share the same thing in common, they are robbing Christ of the authority which belongs only to Him. These imposters can be readily seen as they walk after their own lusts. Read and be able to use the following passages: (Ephesians 5:6Colossians 2:1618,  Jude 16, 1 Timothy 4:31 John 3:7).

Followers of such men should not be excused for mere innocents and gullibility. The Bible says we are tempted when we are drawn away by our own lusts (not just sexual) and enticed (James 1:14). Such followers need to be confronted regarding their own tendencies which draw them into their webs (Galatians 1:6-9).

b. Institutional authority. Roman Catholics and many sectarian groups such as LDS and Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that Christ instituted an earthly, temporal organization through which salvation must come. Each group, in turn, must claim extra-biblical proof to substantiate their claims. Again, each must claim to have a divinely inspired system for administering their “church.”  Catholics, for example, have established a non-existent New Testament priesthood, the LDS claim a separate set of visions given to their charismatic leader, Joseph Smith.  In all cases, these extra-biblical sources contradict each other and all contradict the Bible.

The church of which Christ and the apostles spoke was the “church which is His body,” formed on the day of Pentecost and joined by all who come into a living relationship with Jesus Christ. Local churches are made up of those in a given area who have been baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ.  Jesus Christ alone is the Head of the Church and the Holy Spirit is its guide and each believer is a priest. While God has graciously provided overseers who lead us and teach our local churches, He has not established a temporal institution, a successive line of leaders or sacramental priests.  All of these, in one way or another, would supplant the headship of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-1327Ephesians 1:234:12Colossians 1:18). The fact that Christ would personally administer His church through His indwelling presence in individual believers (His body) was a mystery, kept secret from earlier ages (Colossians 1:24-27).

4.) Understand Rational and Pseudo Rational Challenges to God’s Authority.

For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. 2 Peter 2:18

Men turn away from the truth for reasons which cunningly appeal to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). This is particularly evident among systems which would confuse the listener by alluding to a large volume of “facts” and Bible quotations, generously mixed with false teaching.  This form of intellectual or rational bullying can be very convincing to the uninitiated. “This group must be right, just listen to all the deep teaching they offer!”  Many are so impressed with the package that they buy the product.

Without exception, groups which rely on great swelling words of vanity and stun us with rapid fire assertions, cannot stand the scrutiny of deliberate and careful comparisons of their message with the Bible:

  1. High sounding rhetoric, and,
  2. their non-connecting cut and paste theology, and,
  3. their unwillingness to respect and properly define words, are quickly exposed when laid alongside of  the great themes of scripture by Bible students who make the Bible their first, last, and only authority. Do not be intimidated by high sounding words (Jeremiah 23:16Ephesians 5:6).

5.) Understand How to Respond to False Authorities.


2. Consider getting the following resource:

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Creator Based Worship.

Helping people understand the starting points of their religion helps them understand what makes biblical Christianity unique.  Biblical Christians begin reasoning from a Creator who is entirely separate from His creation.  Without a single exception, all other worshipers see their deities as part of the creation and ultimately see us all as being connected..

(In contrast to Creation Based Worship)

 5 Things about Creator Based Worship

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. - Exodus 20:3

And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. - Luke 4:8

1.) Definition of Creator Based Worship

Creator based worship begins and ends with the knowledge of God who alone is the creator of the universe.  God (as revealed in Christ) is our first principle, our starting point. God demands our worship by right of the fact that He alone is worthy of worship, by right of the fact that He created us, and by right of the redemption from sin which He alone has provided, (Exodus 34:14, Deuteronomy 12:31, Psalm 95:6, 1 Chronicles 16:29, Revelation 5:9-13). God’s Word (the Bible) is a record of His self revelation. We worship the Creator, not the fallen creation (Romans 8:19-23). Any other form of worship has exchanged the knowledge of God (in whole or in part) for  a brand of worship which originates from within the creation.  Romans one gives us a vivid description of this descent from the knowledge of God into creation based worship where we ultimately become our own gods.  We are to worship God alone.

Because Creator based worship begins with an unchanging God who exists outside of His creation and is separate from it, neither God nor His promises can change, although we may observe God’s program progressing in the course of history (Malachi 3:6).  Creation based worship, on the other hand, is in a state of continual evolution or change because it originates within a changing creation (Hebrews 1:10-12, James 1:17).

2.) Creator Based Worship is Exclusive, not Inclusive.

Our Creator God hates idolatry and is jealous of our worship. In our entry on the Triunity we taught what the Bible defends, God’s unity: The Bible clearly says that there is only one God and not many:  “The LORD our God is one LORD,” Deuteronomy 6:4. “For there is one God…,” I Timothy 2:5. The false gods are contrasted to the one and only true God: “You shall have no other gods before Me.”Exodus 20:3.  “Is there a God beside Me? Indeed, there is no other Rock; I know not one.” Isaiah 44:8.  “Therefore concerning the eating of things offered to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one.”I Corinthians 8:4.

God is jealous in the sense that He expects our full love and wants us to know that all false or demon inspired  gods are unworthy of worship. Creation based worship is a counterfeit worship which robs God of the love and worship which belongs to Him alone.
Idolatry is the act of worshiping any created being or thing in place of God. The word idol means copy. All false gods are the construction of men and demons and all counterfeit God in one aspect or another.  Paul even goes as far as to say that coveting anything is an expression of idolatry (Colossians 3:5). When we place anything ahead of our love for God we are mixing creation based worship with Creator based worship.

3.) Creator Based Worship Must Meet God’s Requirements, Not Men’s Preferences.

Men cannot simply decide to worship God. They must meet God on His terms. God is a Spirit. He is not a part of the physical creation. Those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23, 24 ).Worship is an exercise of the heart, not an external ritual.  Those who worship God must come to Him through God’s prescribed way.  Jesus said “... I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6.  Men have been seeking to approach God on their own terms from the beginning of history. (Genesis 4:4-5).

We must not be deceived (Ephesians 4:14). Creation based worship often sets a tone of “holiness” and “humility” but it is a false, external worship which God does not recognize.  It is easy to be seduced into false worship (Colossians 2:18,23), especially in artificially created “worship atmospheres.”

4.) Creator Based Worship Fosters True Unity

Those who believe in Christ alone have precious unity and fellowship in the person of Christ.  We enjoy union with Him and one with each other.  We are all a part of the body of Christ.  Christ prayed that we would all know and experience this unity, a unity which Satan hates and continually seeks to corrupt, (John 17:22-23).

Creation based worship, when fully expressed, teaches us that we are all a part of the universe (the creation) and therefore connected. Its advocates would have us all worship the same god, just in different ways.  It further teaches that we can all strive to experience this mystical unity, to converge in harmony with each other and with the universe, and to ultimately achieve world peace and harmony. Seasoned believers know this lie will culminate in Antichrist.  This counterfeit doctrine is one way in which Satan distracts us from finding the true unity which is ours in Christ alone. True world peace will come through Christ alone.

5.) Creator Based Worship Needs No Aids of Any Sort

Throughout time God has allowed and initiated what the Bible calls testimonies (or symbols) to remind us of a spiritual truth or special event. God further designated a place in ancient times where He would meet men, (Exodus 25:16,21-25). He has also made His glory known, for example, in the tabernacle. However, God has never vested mystique or authority in those symbols and they possessed no inherent powers1. When Israel began worshiping God through those symbols, (using them as worship aids), those artifacts were destroyed (2 Kings 18:4).

God also ordained priests and prophets as a means to speak to Him and for Him.  However, God never made such men mediums.  No man has ever been required to access God by going through another man. In the same manner, spiritually significant locations in the Bible contain no inherent mystique and offer no special access to God.

Statan’s counterfeit, creation based religion relies on both methods and mediums in order to provide a pseudo sense of spirituality.   This is particularly evident in the eastern religions and to a given extent in Rome, where the artifacts of worship abound, and priestly leaders are often required if one would have the proper blessing and access to God through a given ritual.

Men today can worship God as the result of the shed blood of Christ on the cross and His subsequent resurrection.  We can be place into Christ and enjoy the wonderful unity and fellowship which comes from Creator based worship alone (Colossians 1:20, 2 Corinthians 5:17).


Additional Resources:  Visit:
1Take, for example, 2 Samuel 6:1-7.  God smote Uzzah for touching the ark.  The ark itself did not kill him.

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